
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Education: I'm currently in high school.
The name of my school: Maine East High School (FYI, it's the place where Hillary Clinton and Harrison Ford went to)
Favorite stuff on TV: X-Files, JAG, Pretender

I like other things too, and some of these things are even fun. When I'm not doing things, I like to sit. Sitting is fun sometimes. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my little home on the web.

I live with 3 people. We eat together. We feed the pets together. Correction: PET. We have this one cat that's kinda messed up. I'll put up a picture later.

Things I Hate:
School, school, school, school, and did I mention school???

"I think I'll proclaim my apartment an independent country and declare war
on the people above me for violating my airspace..."

Fav Links

-- Cool sound clips.
The Daily .WAV
-- Lots and lots
of waves.

Napster :)
Java PlayLand
-- Javanoid
Tarot Magic
Virtual Insults
Mr. Showbiz
-- TV Listings


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